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"Open Relationship" as a concept: A Critique of its usage by Facebookers


Often, I've seen relationship status on Facebook profiles with the tag "Open Relationship".

What I feel people doesn't know is the true meaning of the term "Open Relationship". Because if they do, then they wouldn't use such terms, especially in this part of the world where such acts are termed as taboo.

For the sake of knowledge, it is expedient to shine a 'little light' on this term cum perceived-societal aberration.

"An open relationship is when the parties involved have two or more romantic or sexual relationships occurring at the same time either as a short-term relationship, such as dating, or a long-term relationship, such as marriage." (Source: Wiki)

The mistake adduced from my interaction with some people is that they think an "Open Relationship" is a form of relationship in which they think is "open" (don't mind my tautology).

In other words, some people feel an "Open Relationship" is one in which there is or there seem to be a public knowledge of it.

"Open Relationship" is quite different from "a relationship made publicly known".

...not complete; still working on it as an academic/blog/tech research.

By: Juan Joe Oladayo (Vordenker),
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"Open Relationship" as a concept: A Critique of its usage by Facebookers "Open Relationship" as a concept: A Critique of its usage by Facebookers Reviewed by Dayo Bamidele on 4:52 AM Rating: 5

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